Saturday, June 14, 2014

Another (very sad) Goodbye

Kris' friend Matt passed away last Friday.  Kris worked with him the past couple of years - they had so much fun together.  Matt was a talker so they got along well ;)  They were both VERY particular about their trucks! This weekend is the annual logging show nearby.  Last year Matt and Kris brought their work trucks to the truck show at the logging grounds.  They camped there and bragged about their pretty trucks. Kris promised Matt he would still bring the trucks this year; he spent many hours this past week getting the trucks ready to go.

Matt's passing has been hard on Les... and Kris.  A reality check, ya know?  Please keep them and Matt's family in your prayers.  You will be missed, Matt.  We rejoice that you knew Jesus and that we will see you again some day.

Les is doing pretty well.  He got his stitches out today and everything looks really good.  He is supplementing about 900 calories per day through the feeding tube.  He was weighed at the doctors office and he has gained a few pounds!!!   He didn't feel very well through Tuesday, and Tuesday was his last ride up to Canada to join the fishing crew.  Of course on Wednesday he felt much better and wished he was fishing.  He was kinda down in the dumps for a few days.  He's been playing with the Dynavox machine, but gets a little frustrated with trying to figure it all out.  The sales rep comes Monday; that will be a good thing!  We had little man extra this week so he kept us busy AND entertained.   We are having a quiet weekend, which is nice for a change!  I am cleaning out my office closet - we need some storage for all this new medical equipment showing up.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really quite saddened that Kris' friend had passed away. I'm sure he misses Matt a lot. It's hard to deal with the passing of a friend you had a lot in common with. I'm really touched by Kris' dedication to his friend by keeping the tradition alive and having their admiration of trucks lit in his heart. I pray for Matt's peace in God's kingdom. Anyway, thanks for sharing that with us. I'm at least glad to know that Les is doing fine and that you guys enjoyed your weekend. :)

    Rudy Swanson @ Haaker Equipment Company
