Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Another Surgery, Another Success

Les had his prostate surgery this morning.  It was at the urology clinic and we were very thankful for that.   We like Dr. O'Keefe alot - he is very direct and just tells you like it is.  Surgery was at 10:30 and they told me it would be an hour.  I drove away to run some errands and I have to confess that I was a little angry.  So unfair!  Why this on top of everything else??  My tears come at strange times and this was one of them.

I was back in an hour and had just sat down in the waiting room when I was called back to post-op.  What a relief it was so fast!  Les was groggy but gave me a thumbs up.  Whew!!  The post op nurse and I sat with him while he was waking up.  It wasn't too long and he asked for his phone and was typing away.  He wanted the nurse to watch a YouTube video.  What??  I didn't know anything about this.  Apparently his friend Rick had showed him the trailer for "Dumb and Dumber II" and Les thought it was appropriate for this situation.  After him and the nurse were cracking up, I got to watch it and YES it is VERY appropriate!!  The doctor came in and gave us a good report.  Before he could leave Les wanted him to watch the video.  Dr. O'Keefe also had a good laugh, and was probably late for his next surgery!!  Rick, we will be calling you..........
 You only need to watch the first couple of minutes:

Les is home and sleeping/feeding.  He hasn't been able to eat since last night.  We are very thankful the surgery went so smoothly.  I am thankful for his humor.........  Once again, the nurses were very kind to him.  I came home to soup in the fridge and I am very thankful for that, and for all your prayers.

I hope to blog soon about Les and his "interview" on Sunday.  Stay tuned!!

1 comment:

  1. Lester, I continue to be amazed at you and your family's courage and strength during this challenge. We here at the Williams house are looking forward to seeing again soon. Rick and Paula
